Service Offers

Service Offers

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$104.95 Everyday Low Price Oil Change

8-qt AC Delco Full Synthetic oil change

expires: 02/28/2025

$10 off Cooling System Flush

Flush cooling system and refill cooling system with approved coolant. Inspect hoses and belts.

expires: 02/28/2025

$10 off Automatic Transmission Flush

Flush and refill the transmission with approved fluid.

expires: 02/28/2025

Up to $15 rebate or up to 1,500 GM Reward Points on the purchase and installation of eligible ACDelco Engine Air Filter*

Eligible brands are ACDelco OE Engine Air Filter ($15 rebate) or ACDelco Gold Engine Air Filter ($10 rebate).

expires: 02/28/2025

Up to $15 rebate or up to 1,500 GM Reward Points

on the purchase and installation of eligible ACDelco Cabin Air Filter*

Eligible brands are ACDelco OE ($15 rebate or 1,500 GM points), ACDelco Gold ($10 rebate or 1,000 GM points).

expires: 02/28/2025

Up to $30 rebate or up to 3,000 GM Reward Points

on the purchase of eligible Wipers*

Eligible brands are ACDelco OE ($10 rebate or 1,000 GM points), ACDelco Gold ($7.50 rebate or 750 GM points) or ACDelco Silver ($5 rebate or 500 Gm points).

expires: 02/28/2025

Up to $20 rebate or up to 2,000 GM Reward Points on the purchase and installation of eligible ACDelco Batteries*

Eligible brands are ACDelco Gold ($20 rebate or 2,000 GM points), ACDelco Silver ($10 rebate or 1,000 GM points).

expires: 02/28/2025
Ron Smith GMC 37.3066, -120.5041.